The Collective

Restorative Oasis Energy and Wellness Collective was created to provide more options for those looking to take a holistic approach to their mind, body, and soul wellness journey. We have created a multi-solution healing sanctuary of like-minded Practitioners that offer a variety of modalities with the intention of helping you be your favorite version of self.

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) is just one option.

You can experience Holy Fire®Reiki and Karuna Reiki®, Reiki Certification Classes, Access Consciousness® Bars, Psych K®, Life Coaching, Relational Life Therapy, Intuitive Messages and Art, Sauna, Grounding (in our yard) and even Tattoo! 

Meet our Collective and the other solutions available for your holistic and natural wellness journey!

Rhianna Mays, Karuna Reiki®, Holy Fire® Reiki, Reiki Certification Classes, BluePrint Activations, Access Consciousness® Bars, Women’s Retreats

Rhianna Mays, Energy Transformer and Intuitive is co-owner of Restorative Oasis Energy and Wellness Collective and has been helping others on their healing and wellness journey since 2016! Rhianna is a professional Holy Fire®, Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher, an Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner, Sound and Vibration Alchemist, an Astral Warrior, a Retreat Host, and Perspective Coach. She owns Reiki Healing and Intuition, LLC and has committed her life to healing her own extensive trauma to break generational cycles and help demonstrate what is truly possible. Rhianna’s work tends to activate, empower and inspire others as they navigate their own path to wellness. Rhianna is dynamic, authentic and creates space for you to be your truest self. She also teaches Reiki certification classes and offers in person and remote sessions for those interested in working with her. See more at

Rhianna Mays, Reiki, Reiki Healing, EES, Energy Enhancement System, Scalar Technology, Wellness Collective, Healing

Tammy Oswald, Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner
Certified Life, Wellness, Divorce & Relationship Coach

Tammy is a certified professional Life, Wellness, Divorce & Relationship Coach, who focuses on the whole person and specializes in wellness in ALL aspects of life. She is the owner of Tammy Oswald Coaching, LLC and is trained in Core Energy Coaching, which is a style of coaching that
goes way deeper than just setting goals and strategies. In contrast to most coaching methodologies which are action-oriented and focused on identifying goals, creating steps to meet those goals, and then providing accountability to keep the client moving forward, Core
Energy Coaching starts from an “inside out” approach, which proves to be more transformational and sustainable. It changes the client’s perspectives and shifts the energy level to a place of excitement and motivation! This leads to long-lasting and life-altering change! We
have all learned limiting perspectives about the world, defeating thoughts, and outdated beliefs that we have unconsciously picked up from family, society and the media. Many of these thoughts and feelings live under the surface, hidden from our awareness, and are huge drivers
of unproductive choices and behaviors. Tammy has received specialized training to uncover these inner blind spots, gently bring awareness to the client, and shift these inner blocks to cultivate new perspectives and helpful beliefs that support the client’s success from a deep and
sustainable level.

After experiencing her own personal health issues which included almost a year of doctor and Emergency Room visits, ongoing invasive testing and medication trials, Tammy has become
dedicated to exploring alternative and more holistic options for wellness, which has led her to this Collective and to including overall wellness in her work with her clients.

Tammy also has a sincere passion for helping others figure out who they are at the core and learning how to live more in alignment with that to be happier and more content and live a life of purpose and joy! Our relationship with others starts with our relationship to self, so Tammy
is committed to uncovering all the limiting beliefs, fears, blocks, and insecurities that get in your way as well as your gifts, patterns and how you tend to show up in the world around you, both on a good day and when life hands you something hard.

Services include individual, couples and group coaching, Energy Leadership Index Assessment and debrief, workshops/webinars, support groups, retreats, and public speaking.

Sarah Ely, Holy Fire® World Peace, Karuna Reiki® Master, Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner, Sauna

Sarah is the owner of The Zen Den LLC, and is a Holy Fire® World Peace, Karuna Reiki Master and Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner. 

She began her personal journey of energy healing in 2020 and has been loving everything about it ever since. Sarah is excited to start professionally offering her services to help others relax, restore, recharge, and heal. See more at

Stephanie Prine, Tattoo

Stephanie is a tattoo artist who specializes in illustrative realism tattoos. She has a passion for creating stunning pieces that capture the essence of the subjects, whether they are nature, animals, sacred geometry, or psychedelic art. She loves to help her clients express themselves, feel better in their own skin, make them feel beautiful, or bring them into a new chapter of their life. 

She has created a calming tattoo space where she would want to get tattooed herself. She likes to make her clients feel welcome and like they are at home. Stephanie is always eager to take on new challenges and learn new techniques to improve her craft. She believes that tattooing is not only an art form, but also a healing process that can transform people’s lives.

 Stephanie usually books 3 to 5 months out at a time. Follow her Instagram @smptat2 to keep up to date on when her books will open. She always provides a link in her bio on her Instagram when her books open to take on new tattoos.

Shannon Curran, PSYCH-K®, Master Facilitation, Advanced and Health & Wellbeing

Shannon Curran is the compassionate and heart centered human behind Soul Sessions LLC.  After receiving a diagnosis and subsequent ineffective treatment modalities she found PSYCH-K® and never looked back.  Her mission is to get to the root cause of symptoms or situations holding you back from living the life of your dreams, often found in the big and small traumas of our past.  With PSYCH-K® you can free yourself from limiting subconscious beliefs and create a new reality.  Shannon is trained in PSYCH-K®, Master Facilitation, Advanced and Health & Wellbeing.  Additionally, she is trained in Relational Life Therapy to help equip you with the lifelong skills needed to forge more authentic, honest and intimate connections.  Her approach to healing is holistic, incorporating emotional, physical and spiritual aspects in a nurturing environment so you can tap into your own innate wisdom.

Roni Hulne, Certified Personal Wellness, Self and Relationship Coach

Roni began her health and wellness journey 15 years ago to find peace within her mind and body. She started working with a Life Coach to learn more about her triggers, blocks and avoidances. Roni was able to take steps to improve her relationship with herself which made other relationships easier to understand.

What Roni found is that her physical health was directly connected to her mental health, and she went on a journey to heal her physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

With all her hard work on her own wellness journey, Roni naturally found herself helping others. It inspired her to get certified in life coaching and she now professionally helps others on their own path to wellness. She enjoys spending her time teaching cooking classes, teaching meditation, self-care, self-love and helping others give themselves lots of grace.

Marguerite De Lamer, Holy Fire® Reiki, Spiritual Art, Life Path Stories, Spiritual Artist and Intuitive Healer

Marguerite De Lamer has practiced art and spiritual connection since being a child. She is excited to be part of the Restorative Oasis Energy and Wellness Collective and has been helping others on their wellness and spiritual connection journey since 2020 when she started healing people through distance Reiki. In tune with nature and earth spirits since a young age, she has a special connection with the fae realm, animals and plants. You will never leave empty handed from a session with Marguerite as she will create a channeled custom art piece for you every session. Marguerite believes there is healing through art and as she draws, hums and translates messages, energy is shifting and healing is taking place in the ethereal mind and body. Having a painting to keep with you forever and reflect upon will also help you integrate your healing and evolution further. Life Path Stories with Marguerite includes a series of paintings based on a life story you wish to tell and illustrate or a particular area you want to focus on such as manifesting your dream life, past life exploration, shadow work, astral travel or personal development. Feel free to book a session or a Life Path Stories consultation to learn more.