Important Information about your EESystem session

This page contains vital information that will best help your body maximize its healing potential and minimize any healing issues.

Choosing an EES session is exciting, but preparing for it and understanding what is expected of you is really important. Please take the time to read this section and make notes so you are optimally ready for your session and can experience the most benefit.

Before and After Your Session

Usually, when one is looking to restore the body, mind and/or spirit there is dis-ease causing one to feel like there is an imbalance. The journey back to optimal health can include a detox and possible healing crisis (sometimes things can get worse before it gets better). As you heal, you may experience things like headaches, bowel issues, dizziness, tiredness and flu-like symptoms. This is usually evidence of your body releasing what is not supposed to be there.

Three things are going to be very important for you before and after your EES session.

  1. Hydration and electrolytes. This is serious. Please take time to hydrate for a couple of days leading up to your session. Your body needs water to heal and flush out the toxins. Those that are not hydrated properly can experience headaches and a general unwell feeling. Please support your body before with at least 80 ounces of water a couple of days before your session and keep sipping throughout your stay in the EES room. Making sure your body is absorbing the water is important too!
  2. Continued hydration afterwards and replacing potassium, salt and magnesium will help your body flush out dis-ease, toxins and better keep you from experiencing muscle/joint pain, fatigue and headaches. Hydration is imperative! If you are urinating frequently and don’t feel adequately hydrated your mineral levels may be off. Consider adding a couple of crystals Celctic Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan salt under your tongue a couple of times a day or add it to your water every morning as this has a large percent of the daily minerals needed.
  3. Opening up your detox pathways. This means ensuring your body is releasing waste regularly. Ensuring your bowels are regular and your lymphatic system is working well is important. If you are full of waste you may have a harder time detoxing or may experience more undesired symptoms like headache. Consider taking a combination of magnesium at bedtime for several weeks before your session and increase your water intake. Talk to your doctor or health professional for suggestions.
  4. Detox afterwards! This is going to be incredibly important and not something to ignore. A detox foot bath or detox bath will help draw out the junk that your blood, muscles, joints and mind are releasing as it returns to its original state of health. An ionic foot detox is a great way to do this! (Visit Live Hydration in Omaha for one or purchase your own, watch for IV and ionic foot detox pop ups in house!) A detox bath is a great way to aid your body after an EES session. Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, the creator of the EES recommends sea salt, or Himalayan salt in a really warm bath for 20-30 minutes after your session. Rhianna takes a detox bath at least 2 times per week every week. This seems to help her release environmental toxins, emf’s and stress.

Be sure to check with your health professional or intuition for other suggestions and considerations to ensure your body is supported through this healing journey.

What to Bring to Your Session and What to Expect During Your EES Session

When you come, please come in comfortable clothes.

To keep the carpet as clean as possible, we will ask you to remove your shoes in the entryway. Please consider wearing or bringing clean socks or indoor only slippers.

You will want to have a water bottle with you to stay hydrated. No food or drink (besides closed lid water is allowed in the EES room)

To promote wellness for everyone, we ask the EES room remain a quiet, healing sanctuary. Though we won’t ask you to leave your cell phone out of the EES room, we will ask you to turn it on silent (no ring and no vibration please) (preferably airplane mode to minimize the EMF radiation) and ask you to take all phone calls outside of the building. Putting your phone away is a great way to be present during your session and helps you be intentional in your wellbeing journey. Also, if you choose to be on your phone please bring headphones if you plan on listening to anything.

Please note that Saturday’s from 11am-1pm is wiggle hour and perfect for any children under the age of 12 or anyone else that doesn’t sit quietly well.

What to Bring at a Glance:

None of things are required, but may help facilitate an even better experience for yourself.

Noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs, eye cover, blanket, water with a lid, indoor only slippers or clean socks.

A book or nap might be a great way to pass the time as your body, mind and spirit receive what they need to restore.

We will do the best we can to keep the chairs clean for everyone, but please consider your personal hygiene very important as you sit in community chairs and share close quarters with others.

**Additionally, the screens are calibrated by professionals and must remain in a certain position to ensure the correct frequency. Even the slightest bump may change the calibration. We have created space between the chairs and the racks with the screens to help protect them, but please be mindful to not touch them. Anyone found touching, moving or bumping the screens will be fined $3000 (the cost of bringing the calibration expert back out). Please do not touch the screens or shelves/carts they sit on for any reason.

Finally, chairs are reserved by appointment and space is limited. We understand things come up occasionally, so a reschedule is allowed up to 2 hours or more before your appointment. All no call no shows are nonrefundable.

How to go into your session:

Going into your EESystem session with intentions is a great way to start. Think about what you desire, want to see and what you want to bring to you. Imagining yourself healed is great too! Please know that intentions are a great place to start, but since this is higher dimensional energy what is for your highest and best is what will happen.

For instance: you may come in thinking you need to heal the pain in your right knee. You think it is just about the pain, but the pain is truly a manifestation of you resisting taking necessary steps about your future. The resistance to said steps is manifesting as pain. What might be adjusted, alchemized and or lifted out during your session is the resistance. BE OPEN to what needs to come into balance for you to be and feel like your favorite self.

After your session:

Please be patient if you don’t notice results right away. By the time a chronic condition occurs you have had it at the cellular or energetic level for a long time. The energy goes where your body needs it and it might be needed at a level you are not physically aware of.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and ensuring you get the most out of your EES time! We can’t wait to see what is created for your healing journey!

More details about rules, expectations and things to know

Important Information, Rules and Expectations.

These are listed on the main page website in the green box labeled Important Information Before Booking.  At time of print the scheduling software team is adding this as boxes to check before booking.  

*Children 12 and over that can sit quietly are welcome at any time with their paid appointment

*Children 11 and under are welcome during ‘wiggle hour’ which at this time is Saturday 11am-12pm.

*Wiggle hour is for those that don’t sit still or quietly well and allows for more flexibility in quiet levels.

*No food or drink besides covered water

*You can arrive up to 5 minutes early for your appointment and up to 5 minutes after appointment. Anything after 10 minutes late is considered a no call no show and appointment time and investment is forfeited.

*All no call no shows will result in forfeited time and investment.

*If you need to reschedule please do so 2 hours or more before your appointment to allow others access to the chair. You can reschedule through your confirmation email.

*If you need to cancel your appointment please do so 2 hours or more before your appointment so the chair can be found by someone else.  You can do so through the appointment confirmation email. 

*Please be prepared to take off shoes. Please bring clean, dry socks or indoor slippers. Wet socks and or bare feet are not allowed.

Please do not touch, bump or move screens or towers under any circumstances. I understand doing so may result in being fined the recalibration fee of $3000.

*Please minimize disruptions and help ensure a quiet, healing sanctuary like environment.

*Consider bringing water with a lid, noise canceling headphones if watching or listening to anything on phone, socks/slippers as mentioned above, favorite blanket, ear plugs, and eye cover if easily distracted.

Stay hydrated and take the detox protocol after appointment seriously.  Doing so will expedite healing and allow me to feel better faster. (Detox QR code is in building and protocol is listed in website)

*All people joining you must have their own individual appointment and be registered.

*Sessions are not allowed while in the EES room. This means you can’t bring a Practitioner in and receive a session while in the EES room. Not everyone is open to all modalities and we want this to be a safe environment for all.

*I understand these rules are in place to ensure a smooth and healing environment for all and may change or be adjusted according to business needs.

-The owners, employees and volunteers reserve the right to refuse services to anyone that can’t follow the expectations listed above. We will assume you have read the above and by booking your session you agree to the terms laid out.